Where it all started
In 1999 I had opened up a cool punk/weirdo shop called "Monsters of Bulging Elbows" with my friend at the time.
It was the first place I ever sold my artwork and where I realized I didn't want to have to be anywhere at a certain time. I quit my little day job as a telemarketer and did the shop full time till it got lame. In the year 2000 I fully decided to just live full time as an artist. It was those first few years I really struggled only bringing in a few hundred dollars a month selling wherever I could.
I worked hard and each year promised myself to do more with my work. Eventually in 2003 I started to get my comics published , did my first licensing deal with some t-shirts and other small ventures till 2007 when I created toys.
15 years since I first started selling my artwork I now have collectors World Wide and have created many of my brands into toy lines, apparel, video games and so on. I'm always working on various projects but still enjoy working with other companies where we partner on making something unique that many can enjoy. I have a passion like no other in this business of art and work on my art everyday.